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Finding Your Soulmate with Theta Healing
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- 23,00€
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Soul mates are not hard to find. A compatible soul mate will flow with you. You will mesh with that individual with little or no friction.
Many of us are born into this world with the feeling and knowing of what being loved by another person should feel and be like, but we lack the feeling and knowing of how to fulfil this desire in the highest and best way. The content of this book is designed for spiritually romantic people who have not lost the faith that there is someone out there with a divine understanding of us, and that two people are brought together for a divine plan that will contribute towards a higher purpose.
This book explores: · the seven levels of love · the seven types of soul mate · how to identify which type of soul mate you want · the different stages of the soul mate quest · soul mate belief work, on topics including sex and self-image · how to release your energetic commitment to a past relationship ...and much more
Based on Vianna's own experience of finding her soul mate, this book will reaffirm your belief in true love and explain how, using ThetaHealing®, you can bring your most compatible soul mate into your life.
Tarkka tuotekuvaus
Tekijät: Vianna Stibal
Kieli: Englanti
Sivumäärä: 199 s., pehmeäkantinen
Kustantaja: Hay House 2016
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