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Menopause - Manage Its Symptoms With the Blood Type Diet
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- 15,00€
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Manage the symptoms of menopause - eat right for your type! 4 Blood Types, 4 Battle Plans.
This Book is The Individualized Plan for Preventing and Treating Hot Flashes, Loss of Libido, Mood Changes, Ostoporosis and Related Conditions.
Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo brings women a targeted plan for managing the symptoms of menopause. With specific tools not available in any other book for preventing and treating such symptoms as hot flashes, insomnia, loss of libido, and osteoporosis, this volume includes tools that will help you treat and prevent menopausal symptoms.
About the authors
Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo is an internationally-acclaimed naturopathic physician, researcher, and lecturer, as well as the author of the New York Times best-selling Eat Right 4 Your Type book series. His extensive research and clinical testing of the connections between blood type, health, and disease has garnered world-wide recognition and led to groundbreaking work on many illnesses. The world-famous immunulogist, Dr. Gerhard Uhlenbruck of the University of Cologne, Germany, has called Dr. D’Adamo “one of the most creative scientists in the Western world.
Catherine Whitney is the coauthor of numerous bestselling books on health and wellness.
Tarkka tuotekuvaus
Author: Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, Catherine Whitney
Publisher: www.penguin.com
Pages: 192, paperback
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