You Are a Goddess

You Are a Goddess

Oijoi! Tuote on hetkellisesti loppu varastosta ja Era Novan universumista!


Discover How the Goddess is Guiding Your Life. You know 'the Goddess' as a divine feminine figure of myth, art and faith - but are you aware that, in truth, the Goddess is a life force that lives in you? Did you know that your multi-faceted experiences of life as a woman are influenced by Goddess consciousness? Do you sense that you have a hidden feminine energy that longs to be seen, accepted, valued - and used for a healing purpose?

In this highly engaging and stirring book, leading intuitive Sophie Bashford takes you on a journey to meet nine Goddess archetypes, which will help you to:

  • understand the many ups and downs, emotions and cycles of your life through the eyes of the Goddess
  • discover how the Goddesses can ignite your spiritual growth and uncover your feminine healing gifts
  • learn how to work with each Goddess for self-healing, positive inner change and empowerment
  • get in touch with a divine feminine support and healing system comprising nine archetypes

Including Kali, Mary Magdalene, Aphrodite and Isis Sharing intuitively channelled messages, beautiful guided meditations and moving personal experiences, Sophie leads you into safe territories where your darkest fears can be healed, your deepest dreams awakened and your entire life transformed.

Tarkka tuotekuvaus

Tekijä: Sophie Bashford
Kieli: Englanti
Sivumäärä: 288 s., pehmeäkantinen
Kustantaja: Hay House 2018


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