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Mary Magdalene Revealed - The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel & the Christianity We Haven't Tried Yet
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- 19,00€
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Maria Magdaleenan gospeli paljastaa hyvin erilaisen kristillisen rakkauden sanoman, mihin olemme tottuneet. Tämä radikaalin rakkauden viesti haudattiin syvälle Egyptin aavikoille. Joidenkin mukaan viesti haudattiin, koska aika ei ollut kypsä feminiinille voimalla, ehkä se haudattiin sanomansa johdosta.
Marian Magdaleenan viesti on selkeä. Me ihmisinä olemme vajavaisia, emme syntisiä tai häpeällisiä. Ihmiselon keskeisin osa on olla ihminen.
“This book is a masterpiece. I haven’t been this excited or awakened by a book for a decade. This is what it looks like when an artist follows her heart and her passion instead of the crowd.”
A gospel, as ancient and authentic as any of the gospels that the Christian bible contains, was buried deep in the Egyptian desert after an edict was sent out in the 4th century to have all copies of it destroyed. Fortunately, some rebel monks were wise enough to refuse—and thanks to their disobedience and spiritual bravery, we have several manuscripts of the only gospel that was written in the name of a woman: The Gospel of Mary Magdalene.
Mary’s gospel reveals a radical love that sits at the heart of the Christian story. Her gospel says that we are not sinful; we are not to feel ashamed or unworthy for being human. In fact, our purpose is to be fully human, to be a “true human being”— that is, a person who has remembered that, yes, we are a messy, limited ego, and we are also a limitless soul.
And all we need to do is to turn inward (again and again); to meditate, like Mary Magdalene, in the way her gospel directs us, so that we can see past the ego of our own little lives to what’s more real, and lasting, and infinite, and already here, within.
With searing clarity, Watterson explains how and why Mary Magdalene came to be portrayed as the penitent prostitute and relates a more historically and theologically accurate depiction of who Mary was within the early Christ movement. And she shares how this discovery of Mary’s gospel has allowed her to practice, and to experience, a love that never ends, a love that transforms everything.
Tarkka tuotekuvaus
Tekijä: Meggan Watterson
Kieli: Englanti
Sivumäärä: 264 s., pehmeäkantinen
Kustantaja: Hay House 2021 (2. painos)
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