The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction

Oijoi! Tuote on hetkellisesti loppu varastosta ja Era Novan universumista!


The Law of Attraction

This Book presents the powerful basics of the orginal Teachings of Abraham.

Within these pages you’ll see how all things wanted and unwanted, are brought to you by this most powerful Law of the Universe: the Law of Attraction.

Here you’ll learn about the omnipresent Laws that govern this Universe and how to make them work for your advantage. The knowledge you’ll absorb from reading this book will take all the guesswork out of the daily living. You’ll finally understand everything about everything thats happening in your own life as well as the ones that you are interacting with. This book will help you joyously be, do or have anything that you desire!

#1 New York Times best selling authors Esther and Jerry Hicks have been producing the leading edge Abraham-Hicks teachings since 1986. In November 2011, Jerry made his transition into non-physical, and now Esther continues to conduct the Abraham seminars with the help of her physical friends and co-workers and, of course with the non-physical help of Abraham & Jerry. Their internationally acclaimed website is


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