Oracle Of the Fairies

Oracle Of the Fairies

Oijoi! Tuote on hetkellisesti loppu varastosta ja Era Novan universumista!


Keijujen pirskahtelevaa energiaa on Era Novassa monessa muodossa. Nämä keijuoraakkelikortit ovat paitsi huikaisevan kauniit myös maanläheiset ja inspiroivat. Korttien avulla luot energisen yhteyden keijujen keveyteen.

Upea pakka kaikille nykypäiväisille luonnon henkien rakastajille.

44 korttia / pakka
Tekijä: Karen Kay
Kuvitus: Ginger Kelly
Kieli: Englanti

When you work with the Oracle of the Fairies you will receive easy to understand messages that can be simply applied in practical ways. The beautiful imagery combined with insightful fairy wisdom will inspire and encourage you, enabling you to forge your own path and personal connection with the fairies for the purpose of healing and manifestation. Each card in this deck is full of fairy magic and energy that will have a special meaning and message just for you, or the person you are reading for.

The Fairy Star Spread

This card spread is based on the fairy star, which has seven points. Each card position has a different meaning. These are, starting with the card at the top and moving in a clockwise direction:

1. You and the energy around you at this moment in time.

2. The energy of the question you’ve asked, or general energy.

3. The unconscious or conscious energy behind your question.

4. Any action that needs to be taken.

5. Any obstacles to be aware of.

6. Your spiritual growth.

7. The possible outcome of your question.

Karen Kay is a former BBC news editor who communicates with fairies, and is the founder of international fairy magazine FAE. A passionate nature lover, her friendship with the fairies began as a young child in her grandmother’s garden, where she used to collect rose petals to make perfume for the flower fairies. She is related to renowned fairy poet and author Walter De La Mare.

Tarkka tuotekuvaus

Hay House, 2020


44 Cards


9,00 €
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0,00 €
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25,00 €
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