Universe of the Human Body

Universe of the Human Body

Kyllä, tuotetta on varastossa ja universumissa!


Marko Pogacnik is an expert in geomancy, that is, exploring the landscape experientially and gathering information about the Gaia and the different levels of the earth's reality. In this unique book, he brings the same approach to the study of the human body, exploring how we can consciously enter our own body space to experience it from the inside, and how to prepare to meet the coming challenges -- the equivalent of climate change.

This book is both theoretical and practical, and includes exercises called Gaia Touch exercises, inspired by the elementals, which will stimulate personal development and help us become conscious co-creators with Gaia of the new emerging reality.

Tarkka tuotekuvaus

Tekijä: Marko Pogacnik
Kieli: Englanti
Sivumäärä: 268 s., pehmeäkantinen
Kustantaja: SteinerBooks, Inc 2016


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