Love Your Body Cards - Louise Hay

Love Your Body Cards - Louise Hay

Kyllä, tuotetta on varastossa ja universumissa!


Learn to bring healing thoughts and love to every part of your body with these stunning affirmation cards from Louise Hay.

This newly repackaged card deck from Louise Hay will show you how to love, accept, and take care of your body.

When you give your body gratitude and positive, healing energy, within a short time, you will have a body you really love, that loves you back.

Simply choose a card in the morning, stand in front of a mirror, and read the affirmation to yourself. If you're challenged by a particular part of your body, use the corresponding card to focus on that area.

Working with these cards will help remind you that your body is unique, wonderful, and truly beautiful!

"My body is a glorious place to live. I marvel at the miracle that is my body. I keep my body healthy." -- Louise Hay


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