Awakening Your Inner Shaman. A Woman's Journey of Self-Discovery through the Medicine Wheel


Awakening Your Inner Shaman. A Woman's Journey of Self-Discovery through the Medicine Wheel

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Kuinka herättää sisällä olevasi shamaanin viisaus auttamaan arjen haasteissa ja modernin elämän stressissä? Alkuperäiskansojen lääkepyörä on tehokas työväline itsensä parantamiseen ja löytämiseen. Marcelan kirja kutsuu sinua matkalle parempaan ja kokonaisempaan elämään.

A powerful debut from one of the world's most respected shamanic teachers, following Marcela Lobos's journey in this world and the world of spirit.

The stress, conflict, and crises of the outer world are a signal: the time has come to awaken your inner shaman. However, you don't need to be initiated into arcane mysteries to answer the call from Spirit. In this book, Marcela Lobos reveals how to use the maps offered by the shamanic Medicine Wheel and the hero's journey to activate your inner wisdom and live a self-realized existence of discovery, healing, and wholeness.

From her war-torn childhood to her initiation with the shamans of the Andes and her life today as a teacher and medicine woman, Marcela's story offers a flesh-and-bones context for each step on the archetypal journey to Self. It is also an invitation to step out from your ordinary life and take the first steps on your own quest for spiritual understanding and deep transformation: to learn to walk the Medicine Path and to find your own power and inner beauty.

Tarkka tuotekuvaus

Tekijä: Marcela Lobos
Kieli: Englanti
Sivumäärä: 240 s., pehmeäkantinen
Kustantaja: Hay House 2021


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